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How Manufacturers can help the environment by using Managed Print Services (MPS)

Managed Print Services (MPS) is a set of solutions that aim to optimise and streamline a company’s printing processes, reduce waste, and increase efficiency. MPS providers are taking a more active role in promoting environmental sustainability through their services in response to the growing demand for sustainability in the business world. In this article, we will investigate the various ways that MPS providers can aid in lowering printing’s impact on the environment and promoting environmentally friendly practices.


Energy Efficiency

Minimising the amount of energy used by printers is the first step in reducing the negative effects printing has on the environment. MPS providers can help you select Energy Star-certified printers and implement power-saving modes to cut down on energy use when the system is not in use. There may be significant savings in energy and emissions of greenhouse gases as a result.

While some businesses may only focus on the speed at which they can share documents and allow for collaboration, for others there is a need for more than this. When you consider the likes of the legal sector and the medical industry, to name but two examples, there is a need to have stronger controls in place to demonstrate compliance (something that we will investigate in more detail shortly).

Paper Management

Managed print can assist in optimising print settings to encourage double-sided printing and reduce paper waste. This can cut down on the use of paper, which in turn cuts down on the energy needed to make and transport paper and the amount of waste that gets produced. Print management software can also be used to restrict who can print and how much, thereby lowering overall printing volumes and encouraging more environmentally conscious printing practices.


Reducing the manufacturer’s carbon footprint by providing recycling and disposal services for used printer cartridges. In addition to assisting in the preservation of natural resources, this also reduces the amount of waste produced by the manufacturer.

Equipment Management

Through regular upgrades and maintenance, Equipment Management MPS providers can help printers last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements and the waste that comes with that. Printing’s impact on the environment is reduced, and the manufacturer saves money in the long run as a result.

Carbon Neutral

MPS Providers can provide carbon neutral solutions, such as investing in renewable energy or carbon credits to offset emissions from printing. By lowering the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere, this helps to reduce the negative effects that printing has on the environment.

Follow Me Printing

“Follow Me Print” solutions can be implemented by MPS providers to enable warehouse staff to print documents at any network-connected printer, thereby reducing the need for multiple printers and improving efficiency. In addition to reducing printing’s impact on the environment, this makes it easier for warehouse workers to access their documents.

Print Releaf

MPS providers can participate in “Print Releaf” programs, which aim to replant trees in deforested areas to offset the environmental impact of paper consumption — supporting efforts to reforest, and aid in reducing the environmental impact of printing.

Cloud Printing

MPS providers can provide cloud printing services that let employees print from any device, at any time, without having to use a specifically nominated printer. By reducing the number of printers required and the associated energy consumption, this not only improves efficiency but also reduces the negative impact that printing has on the environment.

Mobile Printing

MPS providers can provide mobile printing solutions that let employees print from smartphones or other mobile devices, reducing the need for employees to travel and the carbon emissions that go along with that.

Print Auditing

Landall Services is equipped use print auditing software to monitor and analyse printing behaviour, pinpoint improvement opportunities, and cut down on waste.

Upgrades for Printing Equipment

We can provide upgrades for printing equipment, including upgrades to the hardware, software, and firmware, to boost productivity and lessen the impact of printing on the environment. Virtual Meetings MPS providers can encourage virtual meetings and digital communication to cut down on travel and the printing of paper documents. Employees will be able to communicate and work together more effectively, which will help reduce carbon emissions and boost productivity.

Supplies that are Good for the Environment

MPS providers may provide printing supplies that are good for the environment, such as biodegradable toners and cartridges and recycled paper. Printing has a positive impact on the environment and is supported by this.

Education and Awareness

MPS providers can educate and train employees about sustainable printing practices and encourage them to be more environmentally conscious. This encourages employees to take an active role in reducing the environmental impact of printing and contributes to the establishment of a workplace culture of sustainability.

Electronic Document Storage

MPS providers can provide solutions for electronic document storage, eliminating the requirement for physical document storage and the associated energy consumption.

Digital Workflow

MPS providers can help with the implementation of digital workflows, which reduce the requirement for printing paper documents and boost productivity. This assists in streamlining procedures, lowering printing’s impact on the environment and making it easier to access stored documents.

Automated Document Approvals

MPS providers can use automated document approval solutions to cut down on the need to print out paper documents and boost productivity. This assists in streamlining procedures and lowering printing’s impact on the environment.

Print on Demand

MPS providers can provide print-on-demand solutions that enable documents to be printed only when needed, minimizing waste. Printing’s environmental impact is reduced, and sustainable practices are promoted as a result.


In conclusion, Managed Print Services (MPS) have the potential to significantly contribute to the advancement of sustainability and the reduction of printing’s impact on the environment. MPS providers are taking a more active role in promoting environmental sustainability through their services in response to the growing demand for sustainable practices. Companies can support important conservation efforts, reduce their environmental impact, and increase efficiency by implementing the solutions.


Landall Service are uniquely positioned to supply all the above, as one of our core goals is to help manufacturing businesses implement sustainable, efficient, and secure document workflow solutions. Our Managed Print Services (MPS) allows us to accelerate our customers environmental impact.