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Matthieu Sewell
Matthieu Sewell
Publish on: 16 March 2023 at 16:51

As the world faces the challenges of changing climates, it’s time for all of us to collectively do what we can to implement more sustainable practices. Even commercial printers can play a role in reducing their environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

Here are four ways that commercial printers can save the planet (and make their customers happy):

Use eco-friendly materials

You don’t have to be a tree-hugger to appreciate the benefits of using eco-friendly materials in your printing operations. By opting for paper that is made from recycled materials or certified by sustainable forestry organisations, you can reduce your impact on the environment and show your commitment to sustainability. Plus, who doesn’t love a good “Save the Trees” slogan?


Reduce energy consumption

Energy-efficient printers are not only good for the environment, but they’re also good for your wallet. By turning off equipment when not in use and using natural lighting instead of artificial lighting, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and save on your energy bills. That’s a win-win situation if you ask me.


Properly dispose of waste

Waste not, want not. Instead of sending waste materials like ink cartridges and paper to the landfill, why not recycle or repurpose them? Not only is it better for the environment, but it also gives you the chance to get creative and turn trash into treasure. And who knows, you might even discover a new passion for DIY projects.


Promote sustainable practices to clients

As a commercial printer, you have the power to educate your clients about the benefits of eco-friendly printing practices. By promoting sustainable practices such as using recycled paper and vegetable-based inks, you can help your clients reduce their environmental impact and show your commitment to sustainability. Plus, who doesn’t love a little green marketing?

There are several solutions available for commercial printers to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainability.


Here are a few examples:

Eco-friendly materials: Commercial printers can use eco-friendly materials such as recycled paper, soy-based inks, and biodegradable packaging. This reduces the amount of waste generated during the printing process and reduces the use of non-renewable resources.


Energy-efficient equipment: By using energy-efficient printers, lighting, and HVAC systems, commercial printers can reduce their energy consumption and save money on energy bills. Investing in renewable energy sources like solar panels can also be a great long-term solution.


Waste reduction and recycling: Implementing a waste reduction program and properly disposing of hazardous materials like ink cartridges and chemicals can significantly reduce the environmental impact of commercial printers. Recycling paper, plastic, toner cartridges, and metal can also help reduce waste and save resources.


Water conservation: Commercial printers can reduce their water usage by implementing water-efficient processes, such as using recycled water in cooling systems and collecting rainwater for landscaping.


Environmental Management System (EMS): An EMS is a framework that helps commercial printers identify, manage and improve their environmental impact. By implementing an EMS, commercial printers can establish a systematic approach to reducing their environmental impact and continually improving their environmental performance.


Energy Management System (EMS): An EMS can identify and address energy waste and inefficiencies in the commercial printer’s operations through heating, lighting, and energy usage. By making small adjustments such as replacing inefficient lighting with LED lighting, optimising HVAC system settings, or identifying and fixing air leaks in the facility, energy usage can be reduced without sacrificing print quality.


Promote sustainable practices to clients: Commercial printers can educate their clients on the benefits of eco-friendly printing practices and encourage them to use recycled materials and environmentally friendly inks.


Environmental Solutions as a Service (ESaaS): ESaaS providers can help commercial printers assess their environmental impact, develop a sustainability strategy, and implement sustainable practices. ESaaS providers can also offer ongoing support and monitoring to ensure that printers are meeting their sustainability goals.

By implementing these solutions, commercial printers can significantly reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainability. It’s essential to remember that small changes can make a big difference, and every effort counts towards creating a better future for our planet.



In conclusion, commercial printers can make a difference in the fight against climate change by taking steps to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainability. By using eco-friendly materials, implementing efficient printing practices, reducing energy consumption, properly disposing of waste, and promoting sustainable practices to clients, commercial printers can save the planet (and make their customers happy). So, let’s roll up our sleeves (and maybe put on a green cape) and get to work!

Production Print Customer Survey Review 2022


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